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Cobbler Profile - Lewis Tasker

Full Name: Lewis Daniel Tasker

Age: 26

Where do you live? Near Newton Abbot

Nickname? Task

Team support? Man Utd

Favourite player and why? Cristiano Ronaldo, do I need to explain why!

Favourite Drink? Red Wine Malbec

Favourite Food? Indian

Favourite Band? Coldplay

Favourite Film? Law Abiding Citizen

Which famous player are you most like? Aleksandar Kolarov

Who is your biggest fan/supporter? Dad, travelled all over the country to watch me from a young age!

If stranded on a desert island which 3 celebrities would you want to be left with? Gordon Ramsey, David Beckham, Emily Ratajkowski.

About the Cobblers…..

Your favourite moment playing for Street? Melksham Away, 2-3 win!

Your funniest moment playing for Street? AlbuFeira beach!!!

Worse dress sense? James Vickery, chino and hat combo's are interesting!

Unsung hero? Roy Sandford

Best sense of humour? Josh Bennett

Worst banter? Steve Murray, best and worst!

Best looking? Ross McErlain

You are trapped in a lift for 3 hours who is the one person you would hate to have with you? Josh Wadham, probably come out with a smashed IPhone and a black eye!

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